
my spring soundtrack

I thought I'd share some songs that I've recently added to my playlist.

"EVERYTHING FALLS" by Fee (listen)
I heard this song on Air1 radio one night, and I was instantly captivated. I don't know this band at all, but I love how it says "When everything falls apart, you're the only hope for this heart." 

"FINDER OF THE LOST" by Dorothy Savage (listen)
I must be getting into more pop songs, because I've liked all the songs I've heard from Dorothy Savage so far. Her album's not out yet, but I downloaded this song from her website. I

"HOLD ON" by TobyMac (listen)
TobyMac always has catchy lyrics and I can't help but sing and dance along to this song. And most people know that I don't really dance. I've listened to this song almost every morning driving to work the past few weeks, and it never fails to wake me up and help me start the day with a smile.

"SLEEP WELL" by Mae (listen)
Mae is doing a project where they release a new song every month and all sales go towards a charity organization. Their songs are always dream-like, but I don't think I've liked a song that's over eight minutes before but this one. What's even better is that the organization for this song helps teachers and students!

"WALLS" by The Rocket Summer (listen)
This song kind-of crept up on me. I've been listening to The Rocket Summer's new album but I skipped "Walls" a few times before I had a good listen. And I'm glad I'm getting over my bias of slow songs because this one's one of my favorites of all time.

"ON AND ON" by Chasen (listen)
Every time I hear this song in my car, I end up looking up at the sky and marveling in God's amazing love. I love the chorus: "Some say we need a miracle, some say there's no hope at all, but I know Your love is strong, it goes on and on and on."

"THE SAVING ONE" by Starfield (listen)
I've been thinking about how I've become too comfortable in my faith and how I've lost some of the passion for God between all the things I have to do and all the things I end up doing.