

I'm still trying to keep my goal of writing more often. It's actually very helpful since I have so many thoughts running through my mind. Writing has always been my way of letting them out, sorting them, analyzing them, and rearranging them. What do you do when you have a lot on your mind?

Last weekend, I had the chance to see Starfield play again, and I was very moved by how they shared about their passion for raising awareness for the need in Africa. I am so blessed because I rarely have to worry about food or having enough money to pay all my bills. If I really care about others, I know I need to show it more.


The apathy is growing--
We're a generation
Without a heart
That beats for something
Other than ourselves.

Eyes and ears
Are turned away
Because it's easier
To ignore than
To take a stand.

I shouldn't be okay
With how it is--
How things are
And how things
Will be.

How can I
Just keep pretending
That I'm fine
When brothers and sisters
Are in need?