
Goodbye dear friends

After seeing the last Harry Potter movie, I cannot help but feel like I'm saying a bittersweet farewell to a story that had captivated and entertained me for my whole young adult life. And thinking back on why I love the books (and by association, the movies), I can not say it any better than Alicia Sparks in her open letter to JK Rowling:
Still, my introduction to your world of Harry Potter, Hogsmeade, and Triwizard Cups was also my reminder that there is no perfect world. In all worlds exist jealous people who will try to trip you up. Power-hungry villains who will stop at nothing to rule their worlds. Evil lurking around every other corner. And aunts and uncles who will lock you in closets.

Yet, I believe that balance – and the fight to tip the scales in the favor of good – is why it’s so hard to say goodbye to Harry Potter, Ms. Rowling; not just for me, but for all fans. Amidst the lighthearted laughter and bloody magical battles, you brought us a world that reminded us how crucial friends and family are, and how little blood actually matters in forging either. How important it is to determine a person’s character by traits like courage, integrity, and loyalty, and not his bank account or pedigree or employment. That it’s always easier to make it when we learn to trust and accept help from others, that we must keep working toward our goals, and that love really can change the world.

You reminded us that it was crucial to fight not only against evil, butfor good.

It’s not so easy to let go of all that.
Thank you J.K. Rowling.